Food, Nutritional Supplements & Cosmetics
Nutraceuticals from novel ingredients
A growing number of consumers are looking for proactive health solutions to avoid pharmaceutical interventions with negative effects on an increasing number of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. The changing behaviour of an aging population that is not falling for restorative promises as they once did will have profound implications for both pharmaceutical and food companies. Healthcare in North America and Europe is shifting its focus from intervention to prevention.
This fast-growing product category challenges the traditional boundaries of food and pharma. Food and pharma companies need to improve their capabilities outside their traditional comfort zone and form new partnerships. Nutraceuticals are foods or dietary supplements that promise a medical or health benefit. They include functional foods, dietary supplements and medical foods and derive their «claimed» benefit from specific ingredients such as pre- or probiotics, vitamins, etc.
Novel ingredients are sought after in this market by food and pharmaceutical companies. Tanovis, through its subsidiary Siranius is in an advantageous position as it offers a new class of ingredients that can be used preventively and curatively to protect human health. At present, the opportunities outweigh the challenges in this market. The potential for market penetration is seen primarily in nutritional products with preventive properties for health.
Dietary fibres as part of a diet are generally associated with supporting health and lowering the risk of several diseases.
The same properties offered by biopolymers to animal health can be successfully applied to the protection of human health, in particular in the fields of modulation of the gut flora and the protection of the integrity of the intestinal barrier.
The properties of our biopolymers are well suited for care products as they display a high antioxidant level, act as a UV filter and have among others antimicrobial and antiviral effects.